Monday 9 January 2012

Foobar2000 controller turns 1!

365 days ago I released the first version (v0.1) of foobar2000 controller for Android.
Not even in my best dreams I could have imagined that one year later I would be where I am today.

Around 20,000 users have downloaded the app, more than 600 of them have even paid for it.
It is available in 12 languages (English, Catalan, German, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Slovenian, Korean, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian) and 1 is being translated (Croatian).

Also this blog is way way more visited than I would expect. It receives more than 300 users a day and all numbers rise monthly.

For all of this and (I hope!) for all the releases coming I wanted to thank each and every one of you who have followed me on this blog, on twitter or facebook and have downloaded or bought the app.

Also big thanks to oblikoamorale for developing this great component HTTP_Control which allows all of us control our music libraries remotely.


  1. i thought you app was great when I first downloaded late Jan/Early Feb 11 and with the updates you have stabalised/improved it , 11/10 Sergi,


  2. Yes, this is a great app with super development! Happy birthday!

    One thing I wished at listening to foobar. It would be great, if it is possible to use the shakening control - even when the screen is locked. This would often make it much easier. Is this possible?

    THX for your App & work!

  3. Thanks Anonymous!
    I can try if it works. I can't tell without looking at the code.
    I guess it won't be a problem, though. In case I implement it, I'll add also a setting regarding this, given that probably not many people would be happy with it.

    Thanks for your input.


  4. Hi Sergi & everyone,

    I like this idea. Any news about this? Maybe it is possible that the volume too can be controlled with the hardware-buttons, while the screen is locked. No other controller has this feature.


    1. Hi Martin,
      I've been investigating and seems that it's not possible to detect key presses if the app is in background.

      About the shake control, it's already done and it'll be available in the next version.
      There's a setting to enable it.
      If it's enabled, the shake control works also when the app is in background (including screen locked).
      If it's not enabled, it only works when the app is in foreground (if the shake actions are enabled).


  5. Hi Sergi,

    OK - when will the updated version will be available?

    But I'm wondering, that there is no chance to detect this. When you install another mediaplayer for MP3, you can control the volume even when the screen is locked.

    But Thanks anyway!

  6. Hi, can You change background color to black? Battery in my sgs will be happy ;)

    Many Thanks for this amazing app!
