Wednesday 31 August 2011

New translation system available. Lots of languages wait to be translated.

I've start using an online contributive translation tool which will make things easier for translators (and for me too).

It's open for everyone and I'll apreciate all the need I can get!

I've already added some common languages, but if you want to translate another language, please let me know.

Some popular languages still not translated are (in random order):

  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Danish
If you want to translate the app, please visit the following link and ask for access:

BTW, stay tuned because another update is about to be released.

Saturday 20 August 2011

New version 0.6.1b released. Gingerbread users can Manage playlists again.

A new fix version is available. Only Gingerbread and Honeycomb users will notice something different.

Release notes

Solved issues:
  • Manage playlists sections didn't work anymore in >Android 2.3.x.
Thanks to Allen Fidler who reported this.

Friday 19 August 2011

New version 0.6.1a released. No more random songs for anyone.

You can get rid of those stupid next and previous buttons which made you listen to random songs every time you pressed them.

I've solved a couple of issues too.

As usual, the release notes below.

Release notes

Solved issues
  • Next and Previous buttons always started a random song (thanks to those who noticed it).
  • App crashed when no playlist existed.
  • App could crash under some circumstances with very big album arts.
  • Some other minor bugs have been fixed.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

New version 0.6.1 shows up in Market. Shake problems solved.

I've just released another version in the Market. It will solve a crash that was happening very frequently to (probably) a lot of people.

I've focused this version also to improve a little the Managing playlist section.

See the release notes below for more detailed info.

Release notes

New Features:
  • Now it's possible to add files from different folders at the same time (in Managing playlists section).
  • A dialog with a progress bar is shown when adding files to playlist.

Solved issues:
  • Shake actions were performed even though shake actions were disabled.
  • App crashed always doing a Start Next Random shake action.
  • Items in the root of a disk volume couldn't be added to playlists.
  • The time progress bar got stuck eventually.
  • More stability issues have been fixed.
There's been a problem with the normal version (not the PRO) and I've had to reupload again the apk. If anyone has already updated, will have to update again.
Sorry for the inconveniences.