Sunday 12 June 2011

New version 0.5.2 released. Lots of languages, Stop on exit/shake and Stability improvements

More than a month after the last version, here comes the version 0.5.2.

You'll find the detailed Release notes below.

New Features:
  • Added German translation (thanks Martin)
  • Added Polish translation (thanks Jarosław Pietras)
  • Added Korean translation (thanks 이태민)
  • Added French translation (thanks facochere)
  • Added Dutch translation (thanks Nick Voskuilen)
  • Added Spanish translation
  • Added Stop function to Shake Actions
  • Added Stop function on Exit (Disabled by default. Configurable via Settings)

Solved issues:
  • Improved stability
  • Improved volume keys functionality
  • Playlist items per page was always set to 60
  • Ads in "normal" version were shown/hidden too quickly after Refreshing


  1. Shaking now works perfectly.
    I miss the songs scroll ball yet with htc dream as it is in the original player.

  2. I noticed that, if the song has no album title is a program that does not read it cover, is not good :(
    You may be able to add new effects to cover something like this:

  3. Anonymous, what is the songs scroll ball?

    Yarabi, the album art is sent by the HTTP Control component and it uses some settings to determine what is the proper album art to sent.
    If you don't see any album art is because HTTP Control doesn't send any.
    Maybe it's a configuration issue or maybe the song doesn't have an album art actually.

    For more info about album art read this post:

    About the effects for the album art, yes they are pretty cool.. With the whole app restyling I may consider changing the current effect and adding more effects.

  4. Sergi!

    Better and greater application for Android!
    I work with Olive 03HD media server and this application is greatest for Olive!
    Await further developments!
    Greatest WORK!

  5. I do not know how to say it correctly but what I mean:

  6. What do you mean Anonymous?

  7. songs scroll whith this ball ->

  8. Ok, I understand.

    I may implement something in the future. It can be also useful maybe to switch between Now playing view and Playlist view..

  9. Hey i cant get this to work, i've got everything installed but i have some questions.
    1. What do i put for listen on
    2. What do i put for remote
    3. Which check boxes SHOULD be checked

    1. What do i put for IP address
    2. What for folder (and what should the folder structure look like)

    Other than that you need a step-by-step install guide, because this is giving me a tumor.

  10. I don't think it's that difficult..

    Look at the screenshot for PC:

    For Android:
    1 - The IP from your PC
    2 - Install the PC-side setup.exe setup ( and leave it as is in Android "foobar2000controller".

    Everything will work if you don't have any firewall (or if you set the proper exceptions in it).

    Send me an e-mail if it doesn't work, ok?
