Wednesday, 31 August 2011

New translation system available. Lots of languages wait to be translated.

I've start using an online contributive translation tool which will make things easier for translators (and for me too).

It's open for everyone and I'll apreciate all the need I can get!

I've already added some common languages, but if you want to translate another language, please let me know.

Some popular languages still not translated are (in random order):

  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Danish
If you want to translate the app, please visit the following link and ask for access:

BTW, stay tuned because another update is about to be released.


  1. I can help around with the Dutch translation, if you want?


  2. Sure, please visit the link, request for access and I'll give access to you.
    The Dutch translation is almost translated, though. You won't have much work now since Nick Voskuilen has been doing his homework ;P
