Sunday 9 January 2011

Foobar2000 controller

Foobar2000 controller is designed to control a foobar2000 installation remotely using any Android device.
Installing the following components is mandatory so foobar2000 controller can communicate with foobar2000 and work properly. You can do it through the all-in-one installer:
  • Automatic installation:

Follow the next instructions in order to make a proper installation:
  1. Install foobar2000 1.0 or higher.
  2. Install the All-in-one PC-side setup and follow the instructions.
  3. Start foobar2000 in the computer and modify component preferences according to your taste in preferences (foobar2000/Preferences/Tools/HTTP Control).
  4. Start foobar2000 Controller in your Android device and modify the software settings in order to connect to your foobar2000 installation.
  5. Make sure there is no firewall or antivirus blocking the connection between your computer and your Android.
  6. You can try to acces to http://your_pc_ip:port/foobar2000controller/ from your Android device to check if the PC-side installation is correct.

Contact me for any installation issue.


  1. I use htc wildfire, my PC is connected do the internet via router with auto configuration (DHCP), I've installed all components, used default settings ( On PC works great, but Your app doesn't... :/ All values are the same: IP:, port: 8888. Connection error. Any ideas what should I do?

  2. Hi meatinaplasticsack,

    The IP in Android has to be the IP from your PC, not the

  3. Hi

    Even I tried this and I getting a similar problem.

    With some different profile template, I could see the thing working on my PC but I am unsure about how to get this thing working on the phone. I amusing the PCs IP address in my phone.

  4. Hi Shruti,

    If you go to http://yourPCip:port/foobar2000controller in your Android web browser what output do you get?

  5. Hi Sergi,

    I found my IP (I think so, because there are two: my PC IP and my internet provider IP) but I can't find port. I cannot google it neither... Could You help me with that?

  6. The IP you need from your PC is the private one. (192.168.x.x normally). Not the public one (the one of your internet provider) and the port is the one you specify in foo_httpcontrol (inside foobar2000 preferences), 8888 by default.

  7. Hi Segri,

    I enter my private IP (tried LAN and WiFi) on 8888 port and still nothing. When I tried open on my Wildfire browser: http://yourPCip:port/foobar2000controller, simply cannot load the page. Is there anything I can do to help solving the problem?

  8. If you cannot see anything in the browser, that means that your Wildfire cannot connect to your PC. You either are writing a wrong IP or there's something blocking your connection.
    You have installed the required components, started foobar and started foo_httpcontrol in foobar2000, right?

  9. Ok, I've solved the problem. :]

    1. In foobar2000 I enter my PC IP (LAN), not the default
    2. In foobar2000 controller I enter that IP too
    3. I leave the port 8888

    And it works! Thank You for help, Sergi. Great app You've made. :)

  10. I'm glad it's already working for you :)

  11. mediafire link dead

  12. Solved dead link.
    Thanks for informing.

  13. Wow. Got this too work. Truly amazing! Thanks.

  14. Nice!
    For me, I ve had to attribute a fix IP to my pc, in the rooter dhcp option.

  15. maybe that 'll cause me some firewall problem ..

  16. Tête à toto, I don't think that'll cause you any problem.

  17. Maybe the volume control on the front screen would be more confortable?

  18. Hi Sergi, sorry for another network-problem!
    I can't get any connection from my Motorola Defy to foobar. I entered the IP of the PC foobar is running on at "Listen on" and the IP of the Defy at "Remote IP". Port is still 8888. "Start server" is enabled. Pressing the "Open http//(pc ip):8888" I will get a "403 Forbidden".
    I also disabled Firewall/Antivir for the time i tested, but same result.
    What's wrong?
    Thanks a lot for helping out.
    Regards Olaf

  19. Hi Olaf,
    Look at this screen of how http control component should be configured.

    In the Android device you must enter the PC's IP and that's the only IP you must know. The PC neednt't know the IP of the Android device.

    I recommend configuring the "Listen on" and "Remote IP" to ''.

    Tell me if that works for you!

  20. Unfortunatly not. I tried a foobar and httpcontrol installation on another pc in the network. Same result. I ve no more idea.

  21. Olaf,
    Could you try to put the following in the browser (from the same PC and from the phone) and show the me foobar2000 Console output?? (foobar2000>View>Console).


  22. I either got date, time, ip, system- and browserinformation of the pc and the phone.
    I also got:
    "foo_httpcontrol: error loading C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\....\Anwendungsdaten\foobar2000\foo_httpcontrol_data\favicon.ico\config"
    I wondered I have no folder "favicon.ico" in "foo_httpcontrol_data"???

  23. Could you try to send me a screenshot (via e-mail) of the web browser in the PC?


  24. I have the same problem as Anonymous above seems to me that http control is not workin as I have tried another remote template but nothing. If Anon above does not give you the data you need let me know.

  25. Hi Sergi,
    thanks for your efforts! I can't find your email-adress, so I put the screenshot here:

  26. I have attempted to get this working and after an initial strugle with foo_httpcontrol I am getting close to having a functioning system. Now there appears to be a problem with config. Specifically the line url=/index.html but index.html was not in the distribution. I tried url=/ and it works..... This could cause some confusion.. It sure confused me.. Thanks for a great App.

  27. Alan, did you just deleted "index.html" out of this line? I did so, but get the same error message.

  28. OK anon.. I just deleted the part that says index.html but i mad another change to the setup of http control. I added the full path to the directory foo_httpcontrol_data. This change you make in HTTP Control under Home Directory. This worked for me under two separate installations. Under windows 7 mine path looks like this C:\Users\talfahrt\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\user-components\foo_httpcontrol\foo_httpcontrol_data.
    I hope this helps

  29. It works! I deleted the whole line, not just "index.html".
    Thanks for your help

  30. Ok my problem is that i can open the http:\\myip... thing on my Archos 28, however when I launch the app it says "connection error" how is that possible?

  31. Well you shouldn't get connection error..
    Can you see if there's any error in the Console log output when you try yo connect from Android?

  32. When I try to connect my android via the app I get no promp in the console, however when Im using the browser with: http://myip:port/foobar2000controller I get the following in the foobar console:

    foo_httpcontrol: error loading C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\####\Anwendungsdaten\foobar2000\foo_httpcontrol_data\favicon.ico\config

    foo_httpcontrol: [ 26.03 14:16:46 ] /foobar2000controller : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; A28 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
    foo_httpcontrol: error loading C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\####\Anwendungsdaten\foobar2000\foo_httpcontrol_data\favicon.ico\config

    thx for the quick reply too.

  33. I've just googled the error and it seems to be a bug from the HTTP Control component.. :(

    That's a shame because I can't do anything about it..

    You can check the bug here:

    Feel free to post a comment there and explain your case. It may help the developer.

    Any say, you can try to uninstall foobar2000, delete all the related folders and try again from the beggining.
    I can't assure it works, though.

    Sorry :/

  34. Hi,

    I have just downloaded Foobar and Foobbar android controler for the 1st time. HTC controling Foobar no problem.
    However, HTC can only see playlists previously created in Foobar. Is there any way, to make my HTC displaying a list of artist/album/songs of my PC music library? Like an standard ipod.


  35. Hi,
    It's not possible at the moment but it's scheduled for a future version.

    I'm sorry :/

  36. No problem Sergi.

    I am happy it is in the wish list. looking forward to see it done as soon stage


  37. Unable to find program from Market ?

  38. sry for my maybe bad english and silly questions but I don't find the right settings.
    what do I have to enter in my foobar2000controller settings on my htc desire? which IP Address? which port? Which folder?
    and what should I enter in foobar preferences on my pc? ("listen on", "start server", "remote IP", ...)

  39. Hi,
    If you leave everything by default in both Android and foobar2000 you should only configure the "IP Address" in Android. There you have to set insert the IP Adsress from the PC.

  40. Everything working fine but the album art seems to have lost clarity. Any ideas?

  41. Hey Sergi,

    Is it possible to connect to foobar2000 though data instead of wifi?


  42. Hi,
    It's theoretically possible but I do not recommend it at all..

    The app is intended to work using wi-fi but technically it can also work with 3G connections (redirecting ports in your router and so on). Nevertheless, it will definetely work worse than using wi-fi..

  43. You have to set correct IP in foobar as well I think. At least that's what I've done and it works (have set the same IP in the app).

    About it working worse when not using wi-fi, I'm not suing wi-fi and it works 100 %, not sure how you can get wi-fi to work above 100%? ;)

    Might depend on the connectivity quality via your operator I guess. Bad connection, bad working app.

  44. Only when I set all the IP in foobar to 0, began to work :(
    Does not read well covers, load one cover (the terrible quality) and to all the songs her set :(
    When you try to play playlistss playlists of internet stations, nothing happens, black screen (/foobar2000controller/&param3=state.json) :(

  45. CS, I'm glad it works for you. If you have a 3G/4G connection (speed and latency) and a good internet connection at home, then if you are able to redirect ports, you are good to go.
    Again, I'm glad it works 100% for you using 3G. Imagine how good it works using wi-fi!! ;)

    Yari, in foobar2000 I recommend setting the listen IP to
    The albumart, you can modify how the app gets it. See this post:

  46. Thank you for the app, but it is a little to open.

    Authentication on the server side doesn't work. I have it checked with credentials entered, but can still connect from android without entering credentials.

    It should be recommended to set a specific directory in configuration such as c:\MY Music. The default allows full root browsing access.

    The all in one installer does not include http control and playcount I had to download and unzip those components separately

  47. Hi foobar fan,
    After changing settings in HTTP Control's settings, you should restart the whole foobar2000.
    THen the authentication will work. I can assure you that.

    The all-in-one installer does include http control and playcount. You sure you've selected them while installing?

  48. Brilliant app- absolutely love it. Is there any chance of an on-screen volume control in a future update?

  49. I've got a redesign in mind which will probably add VOlume bar control in the Now playing screen.

  50. Hello, I use the moto defy CyanogenMod ROM 2.3.4

    In the market, can not be downloaded, suggesting incompatibility

    "This app is incompatible with your Motorola MB525."

    What is a good solution to me, thank you

  51. can anyone give a tutorial for contolling foobar over 3G data or connecting via a network not within your computer LAN?

  52. It's pretty easy actually. You only have to open in your router the port configured in foobar.
    Then in Android you'll have to specify the public/external IP from the foobar PC and also the external port in case you have specified a different extarnal and internal port in the router.

    More info of how to open a pot here:

    Anyway, I'll may do a step-by-step how-to.

  53. Thanks. You should do the step-by-step how to.

  54. Erm I am the Anonymous from yesterday and yesh you are a genius it works. Love you so much.

  55. Really need a step by step walkthrough because no matter what i do i can't get it to work.

  56. Hi Sergi. Thanks for the possibility to connect my Android with the PC! I've only used foobar2k controller for a short time and so far it looks great, except of one small thing:
    i have two album pictures in my music-folders "folder.jpg" and "back.jpg"... never got any problems with that. But your app only shows the back JPEG instead of the front one... not really a problem - I just wanted to report that!

  57. Hi, you can tweak the album art retrieval as you want.
    You might find this useful:

    Let me know if you need any help.

  58. I did a fresh portable installation at C: drive of my PC. I am able to access through pc locally. But unable to access it when replacing localhost IP with actual IP.

    In the standard installation of foobar I was able to connect
    OS: Vista

  59. Hi lone-coder,
    What IPs have you set in http control preferences?

    If you can acces using localhost address, you should be able to access using the actual IP. Have you set the proper rules in your firewall/antivirus in case you've got one?

  60. Sergi,
    It was perfectly working before my re installation, I use windows firewall. exception for foobar.exe added in that.

  61. Maybe you must specify in the firewall the path of the new foobar.exe.

    Can you enable acces to foobar Console log in http control preferences and see if there's any error message when you try to acces in the web browser?

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Path is correct in firewall and i have removed old entry. still getting following Error

    "xxx browser unable to connect to 192.168.x.x" so this message will not be logged in foobar console.

    To further confirm I have disabled firewall but still unable to access.

  65. I don't know what else to say..
    Are you sure you are using the correct IP?
    Have you tried restarting foobar?

    Maybe you should contact http control developer because he might help you more than I can..

  66. Yes I have restarted foobar and even restarted computer, reviewed firewall settings. now only option left is to re install Vista.
    I know it has nothing to do with your application. May be it is a problem with localhost routing or webserver container of httpcontrol.

  67. Well, I don't know if it's a problem from Vista...

    In listen on and remote IP you have, right?

    I'd try to contact http control develoPer before reinstalling Vista..

  68. Sergi,

    Thanks for your help. I have re-installed vista. regular use I have ubuntu and vista only for media so re-install was not much effort.

    Now it is working fine.

  69. Glad to hear that. I wonder what was wrong..

  70. Hi Sergi,

    Just got an Android phone and would love to get this working. This is what I've done:

    1. Followed the manual instructions.
    2. In foobar2000's httpcontrol settings, kept default values (IP addresses and port 8888)
    3. As per some of the earlier comments, I modified the config file to remove the "url=/index.html" line.

    Now on my PC, when I go to, what is displayed is information about the playlist and playing song but in plain text. No GUI. Same when I put in my IP address. Also if I go to only, then your template is listed there, but with "[config parse error]" next to it and it is not clickable. I tried another template and that worked fine.

    On my Android, when I run your app, it says "socket error" and then I can't control anything. I entered my PC's IP address here in the settings, and port is 8888.

    I also tried the browser on the phone, and went to "my ip address:8888", and here too the available installed templates are listed, with the same error next to your template. On the other template I put, I'm actually able to control foobar2000.

    I'd be very grateful if you could help me out here, as it would be just so awesome to have this working.

  71. Awesome app man! took me a while to get it working. turns out i wasnt entering my mac address properly.

    is there a way to delete a server once its added in the app? during my trial and error I had to keep uninstalling and reinstalling the app

  72. Yep, it's very easy.
    In the servers list press for 2-3 seconds on the server you want to delete and then a context menu will appear. One of the options available is Delete server.


  73. Hi Rolando, (I'm sorry, I thought I had already answered you..!!)
    You should restore the config file as it was originally. There's no problem with the index.html file and it's not either used.

    Accessing to http://IP:8888/foobar2000controller/ you are not supposed to control anything but only see text.

    If you can access to http://IP:8888/foobar2000controller/ and see that text from the Android web browser, my app should be able to get connection too.

    Please, try to restore the config file (I'd use again the installer) and try to get your server discovered. I see no reason why it wouldn't be discovered..

  74. Hi Sergi,
    I somehow don't get my controller on my Galaxy working. Windows Vista at my Laptop.
    It keeps on telling me, no connection, invalid MAC Address
    I think, I put everything wright concerning the setings in the Galaxy

  75. Hi frw, can you send me an e-mail detailing all the info you are setting in both foobar2000 controller and foobar2000?


  76. Hi Sergi, could you please send me your email address! Ferdinand

  77. Hi Sergi,
    Works like a charm so far, thanks! Just got rid of the adds in the app. I have a side question, related to the query steps of the library (in the httpcontrol>media library settings with as default genre, artist, album). I have classical as well as modern music in the library. However, with classical I usually browse by (genre) > composer > album. I have not figured out what the best way is to accommodate this, if there is one, any suggestions?

  78. Hi Ferdinand,
    You can find all the contact info here:

    Hi Pete10,
    You can only configure either artist or composer in the second step. I mean, you can't use different steps depending on something (at least not automatically).

    One thing you could do is create a custom field named "custom_artist" or something like that and copy there the "artist" field (or "composer" field for classical music) for all your music and then configure HTTP Control with this new field.
    That should do it, shouldn't it?

    One thing I'm not so sure about is whether HTTP Control will take the custom field or not.

  79. Hi Sergi,
    did you get my email with all the screenshots? I sent it a few days ago!

  80. Hi Sergi

    still love you´re a app. it´s getting better and better.

    I like to buy pro but don´t like to buy in the market. can i buy it somewhere else with paypal?


  81. Im behind a proxy and can't download from market nor find the apk file.Any help ?

  82. If you download the .apk somewhere in the net and not in some kind of market and pay for it, it wouldn´t be nice. i hope i just misunderstood you

  83. Hi, it's weird but foo2000 http control seems to be broken. Yesterday it worked just fine and i finally had a substitution for g15 plugin which is down due to new Logitech software. And today the server wouldn't bind to my local IP. Anything I can do about it? Please advise.

    Regards, Martin

  84. Hi Nils,
    I'm sorry I only offer my app through Android Market or AppsLib from Archos.

    Hi Martin,
    I'm not pretty sure about what might be happening as I don't exactly know that plugin for the g15...
    Does it have anything to do with TCP/IP or something?

    I think you'd like to contact HTTP Controller's developer because this is rather a very specific problem.

    Let me know if you figure it out.


  85. My bad, I used my IP instead of plus I weren't able to connect for the second time due to different IP given by router. It has basically changed from to Setting multiple profiles solved the problem.

    Thanks for help,

  86. Works Good!
    To get the IP, just go to start>run end write "cmd". On cmd, write "arp -a" and press Enter. This is your IP.
    Set this IP on foobar plugin, in preferences, in the fist textboxes of plugin page.
    Set the same IP in phone, pressing the button in side of the search.
    Software show album cover and works like a remote control!
    Congratulations, man!

  87. well well
    i dont get this thing working
    on my PCBrowser
    i get a nice list of entries/text of the actual playlist
    my firewall states:
    foobar2000.exe listens on 8888
    even if router firewall disabled i cant get my SGSI connect to my PC ...

  88. Hi Badie,
    What IPs have you configured in HTTP Control settings?

    The default settings (both IP to and port to 8888) should be fine.

  89. thats what i did

    i can ping my android from my PC

    no ping possible from android to PC

    (i am not a noob, but no network pro)

  90. Hi,

    I have just installed the app. It works but I have two questions :
    1. How can I control the UpnP Controller and not the default foobar player ? I use foobar with a network player managed via UPnP controller.

    2. How can I select the album covers to be played on the UPnp controller (I do it on my PC, but I would like to do it remotely).

    Thanks. Sebastian

  91. Hi,

    I installed the app today and was so happy with it that I bought the PRO version. Both versions worked fine and I could control Foobar2000 with them.

    However, after having a break of couple of hours I tried the app again, but now it just says "Connection error!". The phone and pc have been on all the time and there are no changes. Wi-fi works and I can for example use Kies Air app to connect PC and phone. But this app won't find my PC anymore. I even tried to clear all data and add the server again. But no.

    Now I'm out of ideas.

  92. Hi Joni,
    Maybe you phone IP has changed and you've configured foobar2000's https control to your former IP?
    It should work fine as it had been..

  93. No, I checked that. And now I've set the IPs from the wifi router based on the pc and phone mac address so they won't change anymore.

    I don't understand what could be wrong. But it's getting late so maybe I'll figure out something tomorrow.

  94. Oh wait, now I changed the port in foobar and the app and it started working.

  95. Well, then looks likes there's something blocking/using that port..
    I'm glad it works again :D

  96. Just installed it - and it works perfectly - from the first time. No problems at all. - As I am already used to (problems) :)

  97. Hi Slim Tom,
    I'm really glad it's working fine for you.

    Regards and Merry Christmas.

  98. I instaled Foobar2000 and controler and it worked instantly - as posted above - but after I added network drive to Library, I get error an my Android. When I navigate with PC to Foobar PC, port 8888 I get notice that there is possible error in template. how do I restore correct template on a Pc running Foobar2000 ?

    /////Installed templates:

    $RECYCLE.BIN [config not found]
    00_Upload [config not found]
    Apollo 440 - Gettin' High On Your Own Sluppy [config not found]
    ART [config not found]
    Cuba [config not found]
    David Hudson - Rainbow serpent [config not found]


  99. Hi Slim Tom,
    It's a bit strange what you are getting.. I had never seen that before.. Can you try and contact HTTP Control developer? I think he'll be more capable of giving you some help.. (

    Let me know if you can solve this.

  100. Somehow template map was set to my networked drive. I've reset settings and templates were ok.

  101. It's a bit weird what's happened but I'm glad you've managed to solve the problem.


  102. Hello, I got everything set, but it says Connection error, wrong folder. what am I entering in for folder?

  103. Hello ManiX,
    The folder name when adding a server should be 'foobar2000controller' If you install the PC files with everything by default.

    Please check the folder specified for the Server added.

  104. Please ... how can you turn off the damn pop-up ads that are always up??

    is so annoying and boring .... please help me dear Sergi.


    For the rest ... 5 stars! very good

  105. It's easy. You only have to buy the pro version..

    1. Thank you dear Sergi

      tell me please ... this is the only difference between the free version and paid version?

      thank you

    2. Also, in the free version you can only add up to 2 servers and unlimited for paid version.

  106. Thank you very much for this app.
    Everything works fine except I don't know how to get to the end of my playlist when very long (more than 120). There must be a way to go to next page but not found yet :(

  107. Thanks anonymous.
    In the playlist view, press the number displayed on top right and you'll be able to switch page.

  108. "The requested url /foobar2000controller/index.html was not found on the server."

    Both Default and Foomote work, however.

    I just cant for the life of me get this to connect. I have used just and my PC's IP to no avail.

    1. Alo get Invalid Mac Address when i try and wake up server

    2. Hi billy,
      In foobar2000 settings you should leave it by default with both IP (listen on and remote Ip) to and the port tu 8888.

      In Android you should be able to discover your PC with the discover functionality.
      If not, you must enter the PC IP manually. It's ususally something like or similar.

      The Invalid MAC Address is because you must enter a valid MAC Address when adding your server.

  109. hi, i get the error invaild mac adress. my network here is very very strange, upnp didnt worked also because of some network trouble (upnp server is visible to me, but not to noone else. but i can see other upnp servers, as well as the others. although all firewalls are turned off)

    i adjusted the ip in foobar and in android. could this error caused due a mac filter maybe?

  110. Hi Dennis,
    In HTTP Control component preferences you should set both IPs to and port to 8888.
    After doing so and restarting foobar2000, can you please acces to the following IP with both PC and Android browser and let me know what you see?

  111. once again me

    "Hi billy,
    In foobar2000 settings you should leave it by default with both IP (listen on and remote Ip) to and the port tu 8888.

    In Android you should be able to discover your PC with the discover functionality.
    If not, you must enter the PC IP manually. It's ususally something like or similar.

    The Invalid MAC Address is because you must enter a valid MAC Address when adding your server."

    did this. still connection error (but not a mac error). also cant get a connection to my server via android webbrowser (but comodo firewall and windows firewall are turned off).

    1. What about the connection with the browser in the same PC?

    2. sorry, replied the wrong way

      looks like this
      "Installed templates:

      Get templates!"

    3. So.. looks like there's a problem in the connection between your Android and your PC..
      You sure there's no firewall/antivirus blocking traffic? Can you ping your Android from your PC?

      Have you tried another port different from 8888? Something like 34587 or in that range.

      Are you at home or you are in a network where there's someone who manages it?

    4. seems to be the problem. downloaded a ping app and didnt got a response. any idea how to fix that? probably a router thing if my softwarefirewalls are turned off. but which option could it be on a router. im not the owner of the internet connection/router, so i cant access the router, but if id say exactly what it is i may could talk about it with the owner to fix it

    5. If neither of them respond to ping (pc can't ping android and android can't ping pc either) then it's a hardware issue (something configured in the router but I couldn't say..) if pc can ping android but android can't ping pc, then the windows firewall is not properly disabled or there's another software blocking the connection.

      Are both PC and Android in the same IP subnet or there's a gateway between them?

    6. neither that worked.

      but somebody was tweaking something on the router and now it works like it should. even upnplay. and your app is great, thanks for that! :)

      and also thanks for your quick support.

    7. I wonder how that router was configured.. Not in a really good way for sure!
      I'm really glad it works everything now :)

  112. Good afternoon sergi,

    I have had many "crashs" system ... forcing the closure of the program foobar with error on the PC.

    you do have any idea what it is and how I can solve the problem?

    thank you

    1. Hi, I don't know what it can be.. If it's a problem from foobar2000, you should get the error log and ask in foobar2000 forums. There are lots of people who can help you more than I can..

  113. Could we possibly get a step by step for setting this up over 3G?

    1. Hi -CS, the most important thing to think about for setup with 3G is the port forwarding part and has nothing to do with my app. Once I do the simple guide I'll try to do a howto of this, but the tricky part (port forwarding) can't be explained step-by-step with screenshots and everything..

  114. Dear Sergi,

    tarbalhar everything was so well, but my router blew up and after changing the router, I never got by the application to work ...

    what happens?

    is that even in the pursuit of the servers automatically takes a long time, and after finally finding a network, is super slow and without tarbalhar well ...

    help me please

    1. Hi android user,
      I guess the IP from your PC or your subnet has changed.
      Maybe the router has some firewall rule or something blocking the traffic between foobar2000 controller and foobar2000.

    2. and how can I see and rectify this situation / problem?

      now, the commands that I command, is to change music, pause, etc., act only in fact about 10 seconds after the request on my tablet ....

    3. That is definetely strange... I can't tell what's the problem without actually being there.. Don't you have someone who can help you with this? It looks like a low-level problem in your network..

      Just out of curiosity.. can you try to do a ping from you PC to your Android device, and see how long it takes to receive each response?

  115. thanks for your help dear sergi...

    can you tel me please how I can do the "ping" and what is it?

    many thanks

    1. Hi,
      This is ping and this is how you ping from Windows:

      The IP Address to ping must be the one from your Android device.

      See how to know you Android IP here (section 2.a):

    2. hi sergi,

      ping complete...

      max- 7ms

      min- 1ms

      midium- 2ms

  116. any help/comment dear sergi?

    im getting crazy with this.... :(

    thanks in advance

  117. One thing I'd like to note: When installing the http controller, DO NOT CHANGE THE INSTALL FOLDER. Other than that, this was extremely easy to set up. Oh, and it's fucking awesome. Thanks! Purchasing the paid Android app!

  118. this is amazing! thanks Sergi Mola, it all worked for me flawlessly. I love controlling my vintage 70's stereo from my android! awesome

  119. after hours of trying, i can get it to work under win7 64-bit

    1. I'm glad you've got it to work :)
      What took you so long?

    2. lol.
      i meant:
      i CAN'T get it to work :)


      anyway, now it's working..
      the comodo-firewall installed a "Firewall Driver" on my network-card.. (never seen this before)
      disabled this driver (and disabled ip v6), voila.

      yeah. really cool app.
      thank you!

  120. Hi, I am having problems with credentials.
    If I setup with user /password --> 123/123
    it works.
    However when trying to use a more serious combination of alphanumeric characters and symbols I can not connect (wrong user password message appears).
    Any tips????

    1. Hi anonymous,
      I've tried myself and I have no problem so far with alphanumeric passwords. Could you give me a combination that fails so I can test it exactly your way?


  121. Hi there!
    First of all I wanted to say that this controller is simply AWESOME and I love it... Or maybe I should said I loved it, coz I don't know why it suddenly stop worked :( (and don't ask me if I changed anything coz I don't know)

    I reinstalled everything and tried every IP combination I could come up with and nothing.. server cannot be found and yeah.. I'm sad.

    So now my foobar configuration looks like that:

    I'm conecting my computer with internet via router, and I check all IP adresses I found xD

    what should I set up in my android?

    I seriously want this app to work back, coz I fall in love with it! :)

    1. Hi Kasia,
      You foobar2000 config is OK. The problem is not there. Nevertheless, you can check "Log access to console" because that can help solving problems.
      Do your Android and your PC are in the same network?
      If they are in the same network, can you try this app to see if you can see your computer with it?

      Please let me know the result.

  122. Having the same problem here. Yesterday I bought the PRO app and got everything to work. Like a charm.

    Today I opened it again and it wont connect to my pc anymore. Changed Ports, checked IP-adresses, deleted and installed app again.

    Hoping for a solution here...

    1. Hi Anonymous, can you try also this app to check if you can see your PC from your Android?

      Please let me know the result.

    2. Hello Sergi,

      Thank you for responding so quickly.
      I installed the app and it found my pc. I did a port scan and it found 4 open ports, but among them wasnt 8888. I dont know if thats the problem?

      I also put my pc's mac adress in the advanced settings box and it can succefully send a wake on lan massage.

      My vlc remote, which works quite the same, still works.

    3. Did you have foobar2000 opened during the port scan? If it was opened, the port should have been shown as opened.. Otherwise it won't work.. Do you some firewall or something like that controlling the ports opened?

  123. Okay, getting a few steps further.

    I turned off my firewall and had foobar2000 opened during scan. I did another scan but this time with vlc open. That port wasn't in the port scan list as well.

    So I tried to set foobar2000 controller to the vlc http port (8080) and now I have the message:

    Connection problem!
    Wrong folder? (translated from dutch).

    So I think the problem is with the 8888 port.

    1. You should try then another port, but unfortunately, foobar2000 conroller discover won't work in another port different from 8888. You can still change the port to the existing configured server in foobar2000 controller or even add it manually..

      Before changing the port, you could try to open in the web browser from your PC.

    2. Installed foobar and everything on another computer and it worked there like it did yesterday. Found the computer through the controller discover you mentioned above.

      So i uninstalled foobar at my pc and set the whole thing up again. And I also found this pc with the help of the foobar controller discover in the app.

      But when I close foobar on both pc's, the next time it cant make a connection with the app anymore.

      Don't know if this is a app/phone problem or a problem with foobar on my pc.

    3. Hi, here is Kasia agian,
      so I installed the app network discover but it didn't discover any ports??
      I'm connected to the same internet on pc and my phone..
      unfortunatelly it still doesnt work :(

  124. HI ,I installed the last release version app.
    and set the right ip, port and mac on pc/phone.
    I change other port and disable the firewall, it still appear the error setting.
    I try to ping the phone ip , it works.
    But i can't controll foobar with this app by phone.

    1. Hi james184,
      Do you have any firewall in the PC?
      Can you access the following address in your phone browser?
      (change PC_IP and PC_PORT for the actual values)

  125. I have netlimiter on pc. but I shutdown the firewall, it still not working.
    I can't acess http://PC_IP:PC_PORT/foobar2000controller/ in my phone browser.

    Is there any setting wrong on dd-wrt(based on 520gc)?

  126. Be sure to install version foo_httpcontrol (v 0.97.4).
    The link shows you foo_httpcontrol_0_97_12, but that worked only once for me.

    Here you can download the right version:

  127. Great guide!

    1. Thanks Anonymous!
      Added to the Useful links section.

  128. Not using latest vesrion of PC-side files?

    Which ones? I have:
    HTTP Control: 0.97.12
    Playback statistics: 3.0.2

    1. This message is displayed when the file "info.jdon" is not placed where it should be.
      Can you tell me where is it placed and where are the files from HTTP_Control placed?

  129. This works pretty well in the LAN and over a 3G connection (static route on linksys router). Impressed how fast the commands work even using the 3G. Congratulations, if I really get to use on a daily basis I i'll sure buy it.

  130. All worked well and suddenly it disconected and i never was able to connect again since.

    1. It's strange.. Can you please access from the web browser in the phone to this url:
      http://192.168.x.x:8888/foobar2000controller/ (change the ip for the one in your computer)
      and let me know what output do you get?
      You can contact me by e-mail if you prefer.

    2. Nothing appears. Like the adress doesn't exist ...

    3. Seems to be my firewall the problem finally ...
      Nice app

  131. Wow such a great app. on my Playbook. THX
    no lag for me, my htpc reborn, great HiFi app.
    pretty easy to configure.

  132. Congratulation Sergi!It's a great app, everything is ok, easy to configure & use on my SGS+. Can I set the view of playlist by folder structure - like foobar?

    1. Hi Zsolt,
      Have you used the new Wizard to configure the app? If so, do you think it's clear enough?

      About the folder structure, in future versions there will be the possibility to play the music directly browsing folders. I've been already working on that but I still need to polish it so it's ready for Prime Time...

  133. Hi!
    I dont know what was the previous version of the Wizard :( but i so think the new one is perfect! When i installed the All-In-One PC Setup,the Foobar2000 controller wizard once asked the IP address & after that I can connect to my Foobar2000 immediately.

    1. Cool, you have used the new wizard I developed for this version and looks like it's not that bad!
      Thanks for your feedback!


  134. Hello,

    I install this application on android 4, and sometimes it works and sometimes not.
    It is like the application doesn't always find the server.
    Sometimes it is working very well, and 30 minutes after, when I want to use it again, it doesn't works....
    Any idea?

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      Do you have dynamic ip set for your computer? Maybe there's some firewall//antivirus tricking you?

  135. I have a problem:
    The http control works. I can see it in my browser on android - so it isnt blocked. Automatic mode doesn't find the server. Manual - insta tells me - cannot connect to ip.

    1. Mmm.. Now that's a tricky one..
      Do you have the latest version of the PC-side installer? In the browser do you see "foobar2000controller" as a template?
      What Android version do you have?

    2. Thanks you found the obvius mistake on my part.
      After failing to make the fb controller work with auto install I decided to do everything manualy but I completely missed the part with using your template to acces the interface of http control. it works fine right now.

    3. Apparently I've a similar problem: I am able to access the foobar server via any browser on my android phone, but your app isn't able to connect:

      "Can't connect with specified IP and port"

      I can't really figure out what Anonymous means with "but I completely missed the part with using your template to acces the interface of http control." Do you have any idea what to do? I have android 4.0.4

    4. Ok, the solution (after failing to connect in automode first and also in manual mode):

      1. Disable credentials in foobar.
      2. Restart foobar-controller and establish connection with foobar-controller (manual mode). Just use IP & port.
      3. Enable credentials in foobar.
      4. Change connection in foobar-controller and add credentials.

      That worked for me, for both foobar2000controller and foobar2000controller PRO. Hope this helps others with the same issue...

    5. Thanks for posting the solution curaxi.


  136. Is there any way to browse and search in media library, not only current playlist? Sorry if this has been already asked. Thank you for the app, I love it.

    1. Hi Josef, it's already possible. The Search functionality searches in the whole library.
      Additionally, you can use the Media Library Browser (the icon next to the playlist) to browse the playlist.
      More info here:

  137. Can anyone reup the package ? The mediafire link seems to be dead

    1. oops sorry seems to be temporary bug

  138. Having trouble getting it to work. When I go to myip:port/foobar2000controller/ I get:

    and when I try to connect with my phone (galaxy 2, sprint) It just errors out and says it cant connect. This is what the foobar console says:


    1. Hi, in the first pastebin everything's fine and in te second one too. There's no connection message from an Android device, so your device is not reaching HTTP Control component.
      Both IP fields in HTTP Control preferences should be set to

    2. What should be set to In foobar or on the phone?

      I have no router, btw.

    3. In foobar. Your phone is in the same wifi network than your foobar, right?

    4. No. I don't have a router. I'm trying to do it over the net ;<

    5. Ok..then the IP you set in the phone is the public IP from your computer.
      If all your ports are accessible and nothing blocks the connection to port 8888, then you shouldn't have any problem..

  139. When I Auto detect it doesn't find anything but when I manually it says "can't connect with specified IP and port" It works 100% PC-side and looks great (default lol)

    1. Same person, just adding more info. Yes, my port is open..I'm on the same router as my PC with my phone

    2. Please, can you try to acces to this url from your computer and android browser?

      Let me know what you get and if it's the same in both sides.

      Do you have any antivirus or firewall that could be blocking the 8888 port?
      Have you tried changing the port to another?

    3. Well, on my phone it give me what appears to be a disorganized version of my playlist. Unformatted or something. On the PC however it gives me this:

    4. Can you provide a screenshot of the phone or something? There should be the same displayed if you entered exactly the same url..


    5. I appreciate you helping me. I used tinyurl because apparently skydrive has super long URLs.

      To answer your earlier question, I tried 5 different ports that are all confirmed to open.

    6. I can't see much in that image.. seems OK but it doesn't make any sense the different responses in the computer and in Android..
      In the foobar2000 Console (View > Console) can you tell me if something appears when you try to connect from the Android app?
      You'll probably have to enable HTTP Control component to log actions in the console (in foobar2000 > Preferences > HTTP Control, Check "Log access to console".

  140. Hi NBT,
    Do you mean that you need to have "Default" folder or otherwise it doesn't work?
    I've tried that and I can't reproduce it.. Is there anything else I should do?

