Friday, 25 February 2011

How to improve Album art shown in Android

I've seen a couple of complaints about Album art not working fine.

I've just find out that in the .exe installer there was not the last config files that improved Album art selection.

There are 2 methods to apply this patch (only PC-side):
  • Re-download the All-in-one installer or the (I've already uploaded the correct ones).
  •  Search the "config" file in the "foobar2000controller" folder and change this:
    • OLD: albumart=$.......
    • NEW: albumart=$directory_path(%path%)\Cover.jpg|$directory_path(%path%)\Cover.png|$directory_path(%path%)\%artist%*-*%album%*front*.*|$directory_path(%path%)\%artist% - %album%*.jpg|$directory_path(%path%)\%artist% - %album%*.png|$directory_path(%path%)\%artist%*.jpg|$directory_path(%path%)\%artist%*.png|$directory_path(%path%)\$if(not(%album%),%artist%*,%album%*.jpg)|$directory_path(%path%)\$if(not(%album%),%artist%*,%album%*.png)|$directory_path(%path%)\*front*.jpg|$directory_path(%path%)\*front*.png|$directory_path(%path%)\*.jpg|$directory_path(%path%)\*.png

I recommend using the installer, though.

I hope you like more the Album art with this change.

foobar2000 controller reaches 1000 downloads in Android Market!

I've just checked Android Market statistics and the current number of downloads is exactly 1000.

We'll it's not the most downloaded app I've ever seen but I'm pretty happy with this number.

Since 04/02/2011 More than 47 people per day have downloaded the app from Android Market.

Although I'm happy with the 3-digit number, my intention is keeping the app improvement by adding new (hopefully useful) features and improvements asked by you, users.

We'll celebrate again when the number turns 100K.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

New version 0.4.2 released (album title and rating now on playlist view)

You all (normal and PRO) have a new version available at the Google's Market. AppsLib to follow.

Take a look at the release notes (added features on demand):

New features
  • Added rating to playlist view
  • Added album title to playlist view
  • Enable/disable pop-up messages in settings

Solved issues
  • UI speed slighlty improved
  • Current time sometimes is greater than Track Length. 
Known issues
  • Song length is shown with +30minutes in some devices (thanks Ffenixz)

Hope you like the new (and small) new features.

Look how it looks the playlist view now:

Sunday, 6 February 2011

We're on Twitter and Facebook!! (we've got Gmail too!)

You can now follow us and get the app's news through this Blog, a page in Facebook and a profile in Twitter.

Of course, there's an email for anything. All of them below.

foobar2000 controller supports now Android 2.3!! (0.4.1 version)

I've just released the 0.4.1 version which only adds support to Android 2.3.x version. Both PRO and normal are uploaded to the Market.

Solved issues:
- Application now works on 2.3.x devices

Known issues
- Test connection fails if there's no connection (only 2.3).*

*Only for users with 2.3, it's recommended starting the app when the foobar is already up.
Android 2.3 users, it's time to enjoy this brand-new version!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Foobar2000 controller PRO version added to Android Market (also AppsLib!)

I've just released an Ad-free version for all those who are willing to pay the small amount of 0,90€ for this great-looking and smooth-working piece of software with no Ads!!

At the moment both the normal and PRO version have the same features and will probably remain like this for a long time.

Thanks for your support!

Market link:

New version 0.4 (finally) hits the Android Market!!

I've finally uplodaded the app to the Android Market.

From now on, the .apk will be no longer downloadable from here. Go to the Market and get it there :D
Introductions done, let's go to the news. A couple of major features have been added to this version.

New features
  • Added Manage playlist section(add new playlist, add/remove elements by browsing files)
  • Change foobar2000 volume using physical volume buttons
  • Added the values 500 and 1000 to “Playlist items per page in playlist” setting
Solved issues
  • Really big Album arts make the application crash
  • The current volume is now shown when changing the volume
