Sunday 24 April 2011

New version 0.5.1 available. Added all foobar2000 playback orders and SAC. More issues solved.

There's another release available.
Check out the release notes:

New Features:
  • Added all available playback orders in foobar2000 (Default, Repeat (Playlist), Repeat (Track), Random, Shuffle (tracks), Shuffle (Albums), Shuffle (Folders))
  • Added SAC (Stop After Current) control

Solved issues:
  • Media Library Browsing function crashed sometimes
  • Wrong behaviour of back key in some cases

I guess more than one will have the same question as me... Isn't Random the same as Shuffle??


  1. There is a problem with new version. When put in random mode, the song plays 10 seconds or less and then jump to another. How can download the version before lasojene?

  2. Hi joao, is there any problem with the other modes? When you set the foobar2000 controller in "Random" mode, which playback order do you see in foobar2000?

    The Android app has nothing to do with the playback of the has to be something related to the actual foobar2000.

    In the previous version the Shuffle mode was actually the current "Shuffle (tracks))" mode.

    Try and see if it works fine.

  3. Well, i parse the problem activating shake mode and using high shake sensitive. There is no problem with foobar because im using this version in the last year and the problem only happens when i start foobarcontroller. Im using 10.2 VEGA tablet. Froyo 2.2. when i uncheck shake mode, the problem occur again.
    Congratulations for you.Nice app.

  4. I recommend not setting sensitivity to high because it's actually very high..

    So, the problem persists when you disable Shake actions?

  5. The problem still in defaul mode. I think its a problem with shake mode. When i use everything is work fine, but when i uncheck the songs skips randomly.

  6. Ok, I'll check it then.

    Just so we are clear..

    Shake actions disabled => Problem
    Shake actions enabled => NO Problem

    Am I right?

    BTW, does your tablet actually have accelerometer?

    Thank you

  7. This is correct. And yes, have accelerometer.

  8. The difference between shuffle and random is pretty simple. With a track list [1 - 5] shuffle will mix them in a predetermined manner (so it knows what the song after the next one is) and you'll get a playlist like 24513. Random doesn't have a length (afaik) and only will be sure not to play the same song twice, so random could take 1-5 and make it 14214353142. Also, IIRC, going back while on random will NOT take you to the last song, I think it works both way (next and previous.

  9. Thanks for that explanation Rob!
