Wednesday 20 April 2011

Released v0.5a. Small fix for 0.5.0. (Rating and Volume control issue)

Thanks to Martin, I've been able to fix one issue in Rating and Volume control that made them not working fine.

Read the short Release notes below.

New features:
-Added "Start next song" in shake options

Solved issues:
- Volume control and Rating were not working properly

I apologize..


  1. Hey Sergi,
    thanks for your fast work, but for me it isn't still working. Volume control shows only the actual value, but doesn't change anything. The rating on the standard screen doesn't show any feedback. The rating in the "deeper" menue answers, that the rating was set, but in foobar there isn't any change. And then the controller often crashes. I sent you the protocolls from google - maybe they can help you finding the erros.
    THANKS for your work!

  2. Still not working? That's weid.. I found something that was not OK and I fixed it.. :/

    Thanks for sending your reports when it crashes.. It definetely helps..

    In the last report I've received (I guess it's yours) the problem is with the albumArt that somehow it isn't download..

    As I write I'm trying the last version with two different devices (HTC Wildfire Android 2.2.1 adn Archos HT 7 Android 1.5) and the emulator with Android 2.1 and in all of them wroks fine.
    Is there any way to reproduce your problem?

    To try to solve it I'd do the following:
    - Download again the PC installer and reinstall it with all the options selected.
    - Uninstall and reinstall the app in Android (or clear the cache from the app)

    If that doesn't help, then I'd need the output of the foobar2000's Console (View>Console) when you perform those actions. That should tell me what's wrong.

    Thanks Martin for your coopeartion!

  3. I tried both of your steps, but still not working.

    I habe a Galaxy I7500 with Android 2.2.1. In 0.4 everything works.

    I watched the console, but there isn't displayed anything, when I press the volume keys or change the rating in the controller.

    The only thing I recognized, when I press "pause", then foobar pauses and the console says "foo_httpcontrol: error loading C:\Users\Root\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\foo_httpcontrol_data\foobar2000controller\param3=state.json (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

    If you need more information or testing, write me an e-mail.

  4. Ok, Martin, send me an e-mail (I can't see yours) and I'll may be able to help you.
